Donations happily accepted: https://fundly.com/ranch-hand-for-the-day-summer-series#
2022 Ranch Hand for the Day™ Parent/Guardian Handbook
BE AWARE! We are a working ranch with various animals; cattle, alpacas, pigs, emus, horses, goats, dogs, cats, chickens, and various other fowl. Allergies to the beforementioned as well as hay, dust, grains, etc. should be taken into full consideration before enrolling.
Ranch Hand for the Day™ Vision:
To be a wholesome, rural, agricultural environment for the Community to enjoy and learn at, now and many years to come.
Tuff’s Ranch, LLC Mission:
To cultivate an appreciation for farming, nature, and our sustainable future by providing a place of mindful education and memories through daily farm/ranch routines, experiential play, family time together, and stillness. Through Agritourism, Tuff’s goals are to feed people and teach them about where their food comes from with Farm/Ranch to Table practices and education through hands-on learning and videos.
Tuff’s Animal Rescue, Nonprofit Mission:
Here at Tuff's Animal Rescue, we make sure that your animal is cared for completely and will contribute to our educational programs. They will enjoy our spacious Ranch while teaching the community. We are dependent on livestock to live and will treat them like royalty while educating others about the Farm and Ranch lifestyle.
Tuff's Animal Rescue is a registered non-profit and charity in the state of Colorado and a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization since November 4th, 2021. EIN - 87-3432359
Program Overview & Philosophy:
The Ranch Hand for a Day™ program is designed to give program participants a sense of rural living, farming, animal care, and outdoor play. Outdoor activities include feeding and care of animals, agriculture education, gardening, art, public speaking skills, financial skills, leadership skills, teamwork, and just old-fashioned play!
Age Requirements:
We welcome school-aged program participants and their families.
Hours & Calendar:
Ranch Hand for the Day™, summer series 2022 is in session Monday-Friday from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm from Tuesday, May 31st, 2022 – Friday, August 12th, 2022.
No sessions on:
Monday, May 30th (Memorial Day)
Monday, July 4th (Independence Day)
Before and aftercare is available for an additional charge.
Inclement Weather:
If extreme weather conditions demand that a day of the Ranch Hand for the Day™ be canceled, parents/guardians will be notified via email/and phone calls by 7:00 am the morning of. However, the cancellation will only occur due to extreme weather conditions. Rain is acceptable. If you have not received an email and are still in doubt as to whether the program has been canceled for the day, please call Tuff’s Ranch (720) 263-2279.
Admission and Registration:
Registration for the Ranch Hand for the Day™ program is available online at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4fafad2da6fdc25-ranch.
All families must complete and submit a registration form and a Liability Waiver Agreement.
Tuition & Fees:
Ranch Hand for the Day™ Summer Program cost is expected to be $55.00 per day, per student from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Based upon projected fundraising assistance from the community, the program will be offered free of charge, with donations happily accepted. Before and aftercare costs will be additional.
Cancellation Policy:
Force Majeure
In the event of an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of Tuff’s Ranch, LLC and Tuff’s Animal Rescue, such as an epidemic, natural disaster, flood, fire, tornado, war, strike or “Act of God” that would prevent the operation of the Ranch Hand for the Day™ program from operating their daily classes or camps, there will be a complete refund.
Parents/Guardians Led Cancellation
Parent/guardian led cancellation of more than one week notice will receive a full refund minus 10% fee for transactions.
Parent/guardian led cancellations of less than one week to 24 hours prior will receive a 50% refund minus 10% fee for transactions.
Parent/guardian led cancellations of less than 24 hours and no-shows will not receive any refund.
Ranch Hand for the Day™ Cancellations
Ranch Hand for the Day™ cancellations due to Ranch emergencies, inclement weather, or any other situation deeming us to close will be a full refund.
Ranch Hand for the Day™ staff uses the positive techniques of guidance, including logical or natural consequences applied in problem situations, redirection of program participant(s) to more acceptable behavior, the anticipation of and elimination of potential problems, and encouragement of appropriate behavior rather than comparison, competition or criticism. Consistent and clear rules are established. Staff members encourage the program participant(s) to solve the problems first prior to imposing a solution. They help program participant(s) to recognize and respect each other’s feelings. The staff members encourage pro-social behavior such as cooperation, helping, taking turns, and constructive verbal communication to solve problems. The goal is to help program participants internalize rules and become self-directed in their behavior. Tuff’s Ranch, LLC and Tuff’s Animal Rescue reserves the right to dismiss any program participant(s) temporarily or permanently from the Ranch Hand of the Day program without refund due to circumstances that indicate the program participant(s) needs can no longer be met. This will occur only after parent/guardian and staff discussion.
Notifying Parents/Guardians of Illnesses, Accidents, and Injuries:
Program participants showing signs of illness should not come to the Ranch Hand for the Day™ program. Absences due to illness should be communicated by phone (720-263-2279) or email (Michelle@TuffsRanch.com). Refunds or credits are not available less than 24 hours of the day of the absence due to illness.
Parents/guardians will be contacted if illness conditions are observed during the day. The staff will serve in assessing the situation. If your program participant exhibits any COVID-19 symptoms OR has a fever of 99.5⁰ F AND ABOVE, they will be sent home. Participants will need to be picked up immediately.
Program participants that have minor/manageable first aid accidents/injuries will be treated by staff and returned to the program.
If it is necessary to transport the program participant to a hospital or other establishment, we will contact the parent/guardian to notify where to meet the program participant(s).
Lost Program Participants and/or Other Emergencies:
In the unlikely event that we were unable to account for program participant(s), we would (1) make a quick search of the area (2) seek assistance from other adults to mount a search of the entire area and grounds (3) close off the entrance to the farm, and not let anyone in or out of the property until the program participant has been located (4) notify a parent/guardian or other person on the Emergency Form and (5) seek help from the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Department.
In the event of a natural disaster:
Ranch Hand for the Day™ program staff will adhere to the following procedures:
In case of building fire:
Staff members will evacuate program participants to an area well away from the building. Staff will take their sign-in sheet and attendance will be taken to make sure that all program participants are accounted for.
In case of flood:
Staff members will evacuate program participants to a high area well away from the flood area. parents/guardians will be notified by telephone as to the location of program participants and staff will stay with the program participants until they can be picked up.
In the case of a tornado:
Staff members will evacuate program participants to the basement level of the Ranch House, 5055 S. County Road 137. Entrance on the north side is a walkout.
In the case of extreme weather:
Staff members will take program participants to shelter in a pre-designated indoor area of the Ranch House, 5055 S. County Road 137. Staff and program participants will practice emergency drills on a regular basis.
Lock Down Procedure:
Program participants and staff will seek shelter in the Ranch House, 5055 S. County Road 137. The doors will be locked; window and window treatments will be closed, and the program participants will have access to emergency supply kits.
Transporting program participants:
Ranch Hand for the Day™ participants will not be transported anywhere off-site, except in emergency situations.
Program participants are cared for primarily at the green steel barn located on the north side of the main property, at the first entrance closest to Quincy Road (County Road 30) on Kiowa-Bennett (County Road 137) Road. There is one “man” door located on the west side. Additionally, there are two sliding door entrances on the east and west sides. On the south side of the barn are animal barn door entrances that also grant access to the interior of the barn in the event of an emergency. All doors are checked regularly to ensure proper operation.
Evacuation: In case of the need to evacuate our site, the following procedures will be followed: All participants will be placed in personal vehicles covered by personal insurance and driven by adults to the evacuation points.
Evacuation Sites:
The Watkins-Bennett Fire Department, Station 94 is located at 4495 S. County Road 129. Our route will be north (left) on Kiowa-Bennett Road (County Road 137), then east (left)on Quincy Road (aka Airline Road; County Road 30), then south (left) on Brick Center Road (County Road 129). This station is not typically manned full time but will serve as our first evacuation point. Once all program participants are safely evacuated: 911 will be called en route. Parents/guardians will be notified of the evacuation and location upon arrival at the chosen evacuation point.
If access is denied to Station 94, our second evacuation point will be the Bennett-Watkins Fire-Rescue Department, Station 91 located at 515 Washington Street in Bennett, CO 80102 (303) 644-3434. Once all program participants are safely evacuated: 911 will be called en route. Parents/guardians will be notified of the evacuation and location upon arrival at the chosen evacuation point.
Emergency Kits/Information:
Emergency first aid and trauma kits are located throughout the property including the barn, the Ranch House, and personal vehicles. Fire extinguishers are also located throughout the property including the barn, the Ranch House, and personal vehicles.
Vehicle Use:
Program participants will not be transported anywhere, and vehicles are not used (except for emergency situations).
Releasing Program Participants:
To ensure the safety of each program participant, parents/guardians are required to sign their program participant(s) in and out daily. Persons designated by the parent/guardian on the registration form may only pick up the program participant(s). If anyone other than those listed is to pick the program participant up, Ranch Hand for the Day must be notified in writing by the parent/guardian before the program participant(s) can be released. In an emergency, the program participant(s) may also be released to an adult for whom the program participant’s parent/guardian has given verbal authorization. If the staff member who releases the program participant(s) does not know the adult, identification must be required to assure the adult is authorized to pick up the program participant(s). If the person is not listed, the staff member will not release the program participant(s) to that person. Any person(s) attempting to pick up program participant(s) will be asked to provide photo identification. In the event an unauthorized person attempts to pick up program participant(s) they will be asked to leave the facility. If the person does not leave the property, Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Department will be contacted. At the daily conclusion of Ranch Hand for the Day, staff verify that all participants have been signed out and that no one remains on site.
Drop-off & Pick-up:
These times are very important to us at the farm, and we appreciate your compliance. Staff use the time before camp to prepare for the day and the time afterward for cleanup.
Parents/guardians are asked to leave the farm promptly after drop-off and pick-up. Please do not come early to play or linger after pick-up.
It is important to recognize Tuff’s Ranch, LLC and Tuff’s Animal Rescue is a private home as well as business.
Before and aftercare is available with advanced notice for a fee.
In case of late pick-up, there is a late fee of $1.00/minute for every minute after 3:10 pm that program participant(s) remain at the Ranch. This rate is assessed per program participant.
In the event a program participant(s) is not picked up and Ranch Hand for the Day™ is not contacted by the parent/guardian, we will notify each person on the authorized pick-up list until someone can pick up the program participant(s). When none listed are available, a parent/guardian cannot be reached, and it is past 5 pm, the local law enforcement agency (Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Department) and protective services must be contacted.
It is our expectation that Ranch Hand for the Day™ would be contacted in an emergency that prevents a parent/guardian from promptly picking up a program participant to avoid the last step. At the conclusion of the day program, staff verify that all participants have been signed out and that no one remains on site.
Late Arrival:
Please be thoughtful when dropping off your program participant(s). If you arrive after 9:15 am please make direct contact with a staff member before dropping off your program participant(s). DO NOT just drop off your program participant(s) unattended.
Administering Medications:
If possible, please plan to give any needed medicine either before or after program time.
For your program participant(s) to carry emergency medications (such as an inhaler or EpiPen), a Health Care Plan of Action to direct staff with instructions in the event of administration, signed by a physician MUST be on file. You may email the Health Care Plan of Action to Michelle@TuffsRanch.com prior to the start of the Ranch Hand for the Day™ program or you may bring it with you on the first day of the program. If a Health Care Plan of Action is not completed and/or submitted, Ranch Hand for the Day™ staff WILL NOT be able to take the EpiPen or inhaler or keep them on site. Additionally, Ranch Hand for the Day™ c/o Tuff’s Ranch, LLC and/or Tuff’s Animal Rescue WILL NOT be held liable for the correct/incorrect administration or lack thereof administration of emergency medications.
Medications must be kept in the original labeled bottle or container. Prescription medications must contain the original pharmacy label that lists:
Program participants name
Prescribing practitioners name
Pharmacy name and telephone number
Date prescription was filled
The expiration date of the medication
Name of the medication
Instructions for administration of the medication
Medications will be kept locked up in the barn unless otherwise specified in writing on a Physician signed Health Care Plan in the case of inhalers or EpiPens.
Sunscreen & Insect Repellent:
Parents/guardians are asked to apply sunscreen and insect repellent (if needed) to their program participant(s) before they arrive each day. Staff will assist and supervise program participants to reapply sunscreen and insect repellent to program participants’ exposed skin prior to outdoor activities. If sunscreen is needed and a program participant has not provided their own, the program may provide sunscreen or bug repellent to be applied unless there is written notice to the contrary from a parent/guardian. Participants may apply sunscreen and Insect Repellent to themselves under the direct supervision of a staff member. Sunscreen and insect repellent must be labeled with the program participant’s first and last name.
Special Needs:
Program participants with disabilities or developmental delays, including program participants with social, emotional, and behavioral needs, are admitted on a case-by-case basis and in alignment with the training and ability of staff and in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. As a team, we will identify an action plan to support the program participant to the best of our trained abilities.
The privacy of all families enrolled is important to us. We keep all information about program participants and their families strictly confidential; please do not ask any questions that could be a breach of confidentiality, please speak directly with that family.
Ranch Hand for the Day™ c/o Tuff’s Ranch, LLC and Tuff’s Animal Rescue is an Agritourism Program. Under Colorado Law, there is no liability for the death of or injury to a participant in an agricultural recreation or agritourism activity resulting from the inherent risks of the agricultural recreation or agritourism activity, pursuant to section 13-21-12, Colorado Revised Statutes.
What to bring to Ranch Hand for the Day Program:
While at the Ranch, program participants will store their personal belongings in a backpack (one will be provided on the first day). Please do not send your program participant with toys.
Please send your program participant(s) daily with:
Inexpensive, old clothes being worn.
Program participant(s) will need to come dressed in appropriate seasonal attire that can and will get dirty and messy. Ranch Hand for the Day™ will not take responsibility for clothes or shoes that go home dirty, stained, or damaged. Program participants will get wet, muddy, and dirty, and will have access to a variety of paints. While Ranch Hand for the Day™ makes every effort to use “washable paints,” we cannot guarantee that paint, bubbles, shaving cream, mud, etc. will come out of clothing and/or shoes.
Closed-toe shoes with good support.
Program participants must wear sturdy shoes or boots for outdoor play. Absolutely NO flip-flops. Please note that the presence of snakes will increase throughout the summer, as will Goat’s Heads stickers.
Sack Lunch/Snacks.
We do not provide food options. Snacks are available for purchase at The Outpost onsite.
Water Bottle.
Purified water will be available for water bottle refills throughout the day.
A complete set of spare seasonal clothes and a sunhat.
Insect Repellent.
We strongly advise writing your program participant's name(s) on their clothing, shoes, bag, and other personal items to help with the organization.
Meals and Snacks:
Parents/guardians are asked to provide their program participants with a nutritious snack and lunch. Sorry, no microwave is available. There will not be sharing of meals/snacks allowed amongst participants due to allergies.
Due to security purposes and the nature of the program, parents/guardians are not invited to stay on site unless they have made prior arrangements with the staff. Additionally, all visitors are required to have an appointment or to make prior arrangements with the staff before visiting.
Reporting of Program Participant Abuse:
Parents/guardians, as well as staff, are required by law to report any case of suspected abuse to the Department of Human Services. If you believe that your program participant has been abused, you should seek immediate assistance at 1-844-CO-4-KIDS. Your report will be anonymous and confidential.
If a parent/guardian has a complaint about an action taken by a staff member, or about an incident observed, please call us at (720) 263-2279 or email us at Michelle@TuffsRanch.com
Discontinuation of Services:
If for some unforeseen reason, the services at Ranch Hand for the Day™ are discontinued or withdrawn, all participants will be notified as soon as possible, and unused fees will be refunded.
Please contact Ranch Hand for the Day™ c/o Tuff’s Ranch, LLC and Tuff’s Animal Rescue
Ranch Main Phone Number (720) 263-2279
(303) 358-9515 for Michelle’s Cell Phone
(720) 618-8178 for Paul’s Cell Phone
E-mail: Michelle@TuffsRanch.com
Mail: 5055 S. County Road 137, Bennett, CO 80102
Parent Handbook Acknowledgment and Receipt:
I have received my copy of the Parent/Guardian Handbook.
The parent handbook describes important information about Ranch Hand for the Day™ c/o Tuff’s Ranch, LLC and Tuff’s Animal Rescue.
I understand that it is my responsibility to read and comply with the policies contained in this handbook and any revisions made to it.
__________________________________________ ___________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Parent Name (Print)
__________________________________________ ___________
Acknowledgment of Receipt by Staff Member Date